Slayer - Signature Licks: A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Guitar Styles & Techniques for Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King (Guitar Signature Licks)
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Music
Slayer - Signature Licks: A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Guitar Styles & Techniques for Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King (Guitar Signature Licks) Details
(Signature Licks Guitar). Learn the classic thrash metal riffs and solos of Slayer, as played by guitarists Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King. You get a step-by-step breakdown of the guitar styles and techniques used in songs including: Angel of Death * Black Magic * Dead Skin Mask * Dittohead * Hell Awaits * Mandatory Suicide * Piece by Piece * Postmortem * Raining Blood * Seasons in the Abyss * South of Heaven * War Ensemble. Includes online access to full band audio demos at normal and slow speeds for download or streaming.
I wanted a walk through on how to player Slayer type metal besides just another guitar book and this delivers! I love the background on how Slayer came to be as well as tips on how to craft the Slayer metal sound. The explanations on what scales and modes and rhythm techniques used are super helpful since tab books lack this.